Fulhealth Industries’ High Purity Zinc Colloid delivers zinc gluconate in colloidal form and it is highly absorbable. Zinc is anti-viral and is the main mineral for the immune system – it regulates it and regulates immune responses. Zinc is essential for digestion and the growth of all living organisms and it plays a pivotal role in both male and female hormone production. Zinc is one of the five most prevalent mineral deficiencies in modern societies, including Australia and the western world at large and for numerous reasons, not least being that it has largely been displaced and so has disappeared from the diets of many, if not most. It has also been determined that zinc is an integral component of nearly 300 enzymes that support a normal-functioning human body.
Suspended in pure water and containing 41,360mg/l of Zinc Gluconate, which is the equivalent of 5,000mg/l of elemental Zinc, 5mls of this product delivers 25mg of elemental zinc, with the RDA being 15mg/day for an adult male.
Usage Instructions:
This product must always be taken with food. This can’t be stressed enough. A natural property of zinc is that it can elicit a feeling of nausea. This is not to instil fear, but rather understanding and respect. So, if your tummy is a bit sensitive especially, take zinc half way through a meal or after it. 5mls is generally an ample serving with many benefitting, for a while at least, from consuming more than the RDA of 15mg/day. Believe it or not, but I was a party to a 4yr old boy’s life turned around following a HTMA and being prescribed and taking – wait for it…105mg of elemental zinc per day (that is 7 times the adult male RDA of Zinc!). One month of this “therapeutic dose” saw the kid’s life turned around. The kid went from being a picky eater, uncommunicative and withdrawn, lacking any social skills and more to being sociable, happy, a good eater, a good communicator, gregarious and outgoing. Cleaning your liver by doing the famous Hulda Clark Gall-bladder Flush will see even more to be gained from a zinc-supplementing regimen. Imagine the possibilities…
Deficiency Causes
Cadmium, copper, impaired liver function, VitB-6 deficiency, pregnancy and menstruation, breast feeding, food colouring additive 102, ACE Inhibitors, diuretics, anaesthetics and stress all deplete zinc stores or impede or prevent its usage or uptake and/or expedite its removal from the body via our elimination processes.
But basically, we are, along with zinc, under attack. As a society, as inhabitants of this planet, we are being drowned in a soup of copper and its co-conspirators – oestrogens and the xeno-oestrogens. Oestrogens we know as female hormones but Xeno-oestrogens are oestrogens on steroids and these compounds deserve our gaze. With some understanding gained from research and along with a little observation, we might recognise and appreciate the havoc they have played and continue to carve out. The use of the pill or implants and HRT are just part of the puzzle.
Duly delivered by the all-pervading and apparently Rockefeller-controlled and monopolistic multinational interests of the oil/chemical industries, the medical/big food industries and the military/industrial complex and via petrochemicals, plastics, pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, heavy metals and other oestrogen mimickers, these all-pervading endocrine disruptors join the pill, hormone-replacement “therapies” and excessive sugar/alcohol/carbohydrate consumption in destroying the health of populations.
Deficiency Symptoms (just some of them):
Anything to do with the skin is related to zinc and not only because it is intricately connected with Vit-A: A rash, an itch, an allergy, thrush, dry skin, psoriasis, eczema, pimples, postpartum stretch marks – the purple ones especially, gastric and peptic ulcers, slow wound healing, even hair loss and early greying.
Anything to do with the immune system is related to zinc: No immunity, low immunity, supressed immunity, over-reactive immune response (excessive histamine release), AIDS of course, colds, frequent sore throats, low white cell count, ear infections, conjunctivitis, hay-fever, asthma, bronchitis, etc.
Zinc, along with vit B-1 and B-6, is needed for production of stomach acid and if you don’t produce stomach acid you can’t absorb zinc! The stomach acid is needed to break down proteins and ionise minerals and is also defence against invading bacteria.
Zinc is needed for the brain especially the development of the frontal lobe and signs of needing more include hyper activity, tantrums and temper outbursts, moodiness, depression, poor memory, disrupted sleep, inability to handle stress. It has been said that a child up until the age of nine (9), can’t get enough zinc!